AA Driver & Vehicle Licensing Agent - Ashburton

Paper Plus Ashburton 212 East Street, Ashburton, New Zealand

Phone: 0800 500 444

Website: https://www.aa.co.nz/drivers/driver-licences/locations/

Please Note: Overseas conversions applications are not transacted after 4:30pm.

This Agency will be operating with reduced hours and services due to a staff shortage – *no Overseas Conversion on 13th to 17th January closed for lunch 1-1:30pm.
Full service will be restored on Monday, 20th January.

As an AA Driver and Vehicle licensing agent we can handle all your Driver and Vehicle Licensing  requirements including International Driving Permits (IDPs). We can also assist you with joining the AA or renewing your membership, as well as RealMe verification, IRD number application, KiwiAccess application, and SuperGold photo card application.

For all Driver Licensing queries, please call 0800 822 422.

For all Vehicle Licensing queries please call 0800 108 809.

For all IDP and AA Membership queries please call 0800 500 444.

Products and services

Business hours

Monday to Friday 9am - 5pm

Payment options

  • Cash
  • MasterCard
  • Visa
